Baby Games – Month 1

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

Many congratulations for the new life in your arms! It is surprising to know that babies grow very fast in starting few months. For overall development of the baby it is advisable to play some games with them that helps the baby to reach his expected milestones. Play the below baby games with your baby this month:

Game 1: Face-to-Face

Purpose: To Strengthen core muscles

baby games

Here is an interesting Tummy Time activity both for you and your baby. Lie down comfortably on your back by resting your head on a pillow.  Keep the baby on your chest in a tummy down position so that you can see each other’s face. Hold the baby with your hands so that she doesn’t roll off and try to amuse her by making sounds and speaking to her. The baby will feel curious and love this game.

Game 2: Sleeping Direction

Purpose: To develop strength

baby games

Change the direction of your newborn in the crib while you place him inside to sleep. If you place the baby’s head on the right side one night, rest her head on the left side the next night. This will allow her to get views from different directions make her better aware of her surroundings. But always place her on her back while she sleeps.

Game 3: Beep Baby

Purpose: To develop sense of touch

baby games

Entertain your little angel by communicating with her through loving touches on her hands, legs, feet, cheeks, and forehead to develop her sensory organs. Utter the names of the body parts to make her gradually understand and learn the names. Always speak and communicate with her smilingly to make her feel secure. Say “beep” or something like that after you touch each new body part. This will help her to follow the entire activity and anticipate each new touch.

Game 4: Rattle Up & Down

Purpose: To developing hearing

baby games

Use rattles to make a sound that quickly draws your baby’s attention. Use other musical toys to make him aware of different types of sounds. Move and groove with a rattle up and down, so he can enjoy the sound and watch movement at a time. You can shake a rattle while you hold his hand too which will give him a feeling of moving a rattle and making the sound. This will help to develop his reflexes with improved motor skills and sensory coordination