Baby Games – Month 3

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

This month your little munchkin will explore the environment, recognize her mom (i.e. YOU), laugh and smile with sweet noises.

So, make the environment visually entertaining to your kid and help her learn the secret code language between her and you.

Game 1: Cooing & Gurgling


Purpose: To build talking skills

You need to talk to your baby often. In about two months, she will respond to your talk with cooing (soft throaty sounds including vowels) and gurgling (low, throaty, wet sounds).

It helps the baby to learn the first word for the first time.

Game 2: Express Yourself


Purpose: To build communication skills

Use a variety of facial expressions and your baby watches the expression.

It helps the baby develop early communication.

Game 3: Cheesy Smile


Purpose: To develop bonding

Give a baby a big cheesy smile and make funny noises. The baby will always smile back.

Smile is one of the biggest expressions for babies.

It helps a baby to bond with you and teaches how to interact with others.

Game 4: Play Peek-a-Boo


Purpose: To develop memory skills

To develop memory skills and play, lay your baby on the tummy, and you also lay on tummy to face the baby.

Take a scarf or use hands to cover the face. Then, uncover the face and say “peek-a-boo”.