Baby Games – Month 5

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

This month your baby will explore the environment so encourage her with plush toys and rattles.

Develop her body awareness and motor skills with the following recommended games.

Game 1: Action Songs


Purpose: To develop body awareness

Narrate rhymes to your baby and wiggle baby’s toes and fingers.

When you sing “This Little Piggy or clap baby’s hands and feet together, it helps the baby to be aware of his hands and learn skills in the language.

With practice, the baby will learn the rhymes with body movements.

Game 2: Rock & Roll Over


Purpose: Learn to roll from tummy to back

Baby moves back and forth on tummy or roll on the floor to reach from one place to another. It helps the baby to gain control over his movement.

During tummy time, hold a toy and encourage the baby to continue rolling. It develops the baby’s muscle from tummy to back.

Game 3: Lifting Up and Down


Purpose: To develop a sense of balance

Lie on your back, keep your knees up, feet on the floor and lift your baby high up and then low down.

It helps the baby to balance the body position, and for you, it is a good workout.

Game 4: Yummy In My Tummy


Purpose: To develop language skills

When your baby learns to eat solid foods, talk with your baby and name the food that he or she is eating.

It helps the baby to learn language skills.