Baby milestones in month four

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

This month your baby will start interacting with known faces and remain active. Put toys surrounding the baby so that she will move towards them.

So, find out below what growth milestones your baby has achieved this month and keep up the effort to make her learn new things.

What your baby can do this month?

  • Holds head up steadily
  • Can bear weight on legs
  • Coos when you talk to him
  • Does mini push-ups

What your baby is learning this month?

  • Can reach out and grasp objects or toys

What are advanced skills for your baby?

  • Imitates speech sounds, such as “baba” and “dada”
  • May cut first tooth
  • May roll over from tummy to back


You can help your baby develop all the skills to the best potential by supporting in her learning. BabyIndian Premium subscribers get daily activities to do with babies to help them develop to their full potential.

Check out our article on Baby Games for this month: Baby Games – Month 4