Ten Ayurvedic Spices

Food is your best defense against ill health, and you can boost its effectiveness by using the spices in your kitchen cabinet. We will discuss about ten ayurvedic spices that are found in your kitchen and their benefits you never knew. 1. Turmeric Turmeric is a little tuber that packs quite a force and has been… Continue reading Ten Ayurvedic Spices

Categorized as Ayurveda

Ten Ayurvedic Herbs

Bowls and spoons of various legumes and different kinds of nuts on wooden table.

Ayurveda has a wonderful medicine chest available that covers every possible need. The way that Ayurveda perceives the action of herbs is through the six flavors. These individual flavors have an effect on you as they pass through your body, starting with the taste in your mouth, which is a short-term effect, followed by the… Continue reading Ten Ayurvedic Herbs

Categorized as Ayurveda

Massage for Baby

Massage with the hands begins when the infant is one month old, after sufficient oil has been absorbed and the baby’s body has become strong. Massage oils, such as mustard, sesame, or coconut, are usually used in India. Mustard oil is used in winter, coconut oil in summer, and sesame in spring and fall. Mustard… Continue reading Massage for Baby

Categorized as Ayurveda

Massage for Pregnant

Pregnancy is a special condition. During this time a woman goes through a series of changes, both in her metabolism and in her mind. Under the best of circumstances, she will have made her musculature flexible and supple before pregnancy through exercises such as yoga asanas and pranayama, through massage, and through the study of… Continue reading Massage for Pregnant

Categorized as Ayurveda

Healthy Skin and Hair

Your skin is a reflection of who you are and how you’re doing; it’s your outermost boundary. A brief look at someone’s skin can even tell you a lot about that person’s personality. For example, very sensitive skin indicates a highly sensitive soul, while excessively sweaty flesh suggests someone with a nervous disposition. A tough,… Continue reading Healthy Skin and Hair

Categorized as Ayurveda

Healthy Reproductive System

Human Anatomy of Female Reproductive System illustration

Female Reproductive Tract (Yonivyaapat) Causes: Twenty disorders of the female reproductive tract exist, caused by poor diet and lifestyle, imbalanced menstrual flow, defective ovum and ovary, and past karma. This results in an inability to conceive and other health concerns (e.g., tumors, hemorrhoids, menorrhagia). Specific Causes, Development, and Symptoms: 1. Vaayu: Causes include excessive ingesting… Continue reading Healthy Reproductive System

Categorized as Ayurveda

Healthy Musculoskeletal System

No one passes through life without physical pain or strain of some kind, at some point. The lucky among us get only minor issues of the muscles and skeleton, such as simple stiffness in the morning. Others deal with more serious and even debilitating issues like arthritis. Exercise and stability strategies can help address some… Continue reading Healthy Musculoskeletal System

Categorized as Ayurveda

Healthy Respiratory System

How your lungs function is paramount to your overall health. The way you feel about your life manifests in the way you breathe: your breathing is shallow and rapid when you’re agitated, and is slow and deep when you’re feeling relaxed and serene. Pranayama and the Benefits of Breathing Pranayama is controlled breathing techniques that… Continue reading Healthy Respiratory System

Categorized as Ayurveda

Healthy Digestive System

Anorexia (Arochaka) Causes: There are 5 causes for loss of appetite, taste, or anorexia: Vayu, Pitta, Kapha, Tridosha, and mental (e.g., grief, fear, anger). An excess of the doshas (individually or combined) or an apathetic mental state tends to block the heart region and the channels (srotas) that carry food (e.g., esophagus). This causes aversion… Continue reading Healthy Digestive System

Categorized as Ayurveda