Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Definition – A clinical spectrum of infection that may involve the cervix, endometrium, fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, broad ligaments, intraperitoneal cavity, and perihepatic region. Infectious inflammation of the pelvic organs may lead to tissue necrosis and abscess formation. Eventually, the process evolves into scar formation with the development of adhesions to nearby structures. Acute PID (salpingitis)… Continue reading Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Categorized as Gynaecology

Pelvic Pain

Introduction As pain arising from the pelvis is a subjective perception rather than an objective sensation, accurately determining the etiology is often difficult.  Dysmenorrhea (uterine pain associated with menses) is the most common gynecologic pain complaint. Evaluation strategies The history provides a description of the nature, intensity, and distribution of the pain. However, imprecise localization… Continue reading Pelvic Pain

Categorized as Gynaecology

Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

Basic Terms • Menorrhagia – Prolonged (>7 days) and/or heavy (>80 mL) uterine bleeding occurring at regular intervals. • Metrorrhagia – Variable amounts of intermenstrual bleeding occurring at irregular but frequent intervals. • Polymenorrhea  – An abnormally short interval (<21 days) between regular menses. • Oligomenorrhea – An abnormally long interval (>35 days) between regular menses. Causes of… Continue reading Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

Categorized as Gynaecology

The Menstrual Cycle

Basic Terms  Puberty is a general term encompassing the entire transition from childhood to sexual maturity. Menarche (the onset of menstruation) occurs at an average age of 12 years (normal range 8–16 years). Menstrual cycles or “periods” are often irregular through adolescence before settling into a more consistent ovulatory pattern ranging from 24 days to… Continue reading The Menstrual Cycle

Categorized as Gynaecology