नई माँ के लिए भोजन -महीना 2

गर्भावस्था की अवधि के दौरान माताएं नौ महीने देखभाल करती है। एक महीने प्रसव के बाद, वे खुद की देखभाल करना सुनिश्चित करते हैं। जब दो महीने के बच्चे की बात आती हैं तो माताएं वजन कम करने के बारे में सोचना शुरू कर देती है और उचित आहार का ध्यान रखने में विफल रहती… Continue reading नई माँ के लिए भोजन -महीना 2

Categorized as Diet, Mother

नई माँ के लिए भोजन -महीना 1

गर्भावस्था के दौरान कई महिलाएं अपने गर्भ के अंदर पल रहे बच्चे के लिए अतिरिक्त पोषण का भंडारण करने के कारण, खाद्य पदार्थों का एक विचित्र मिश्रण कहती है, ताकि वह मजबूत और स्वस्थ हो सकें। लेकिन, क्या आप जानते है कि बच्चे के जन्म के बाद माताओ के लिए स्वस्थ भोजन करना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण… Continue reading नई माँ के लिए भोजन -महीना 1

Categorized as Diet, Mother

Diet for New Mom – Month 12

When you focus on healthy eating over a long term, it will not only help you in weight loss but also keep your body healthy. Here are the five eating habits that can make a great difference in your progress: Eat whenever you are hungry Eat moderate amounts and slowly Eat healthy fats Include protein… Continue reading Diet for New Mom – Month 12

Categorized as Diet

Diet for New Mom – Month 11

Your body has undergone many changes during pregnancy and birth. You need time to recover. In addition to rest, you need to eat a healthy diet to help you do that. The weight gained in pregnancy helps build stores for your recovery and for breastfeeding. After delivery, you need to eat a healthy and balanced… Continue reading Diet for New Mom – Month 11

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Diet for New Mom – Month 10

It’s very exciting when you are becoming a new mum. Most importantly, it’s vital to take care of your health as well. You should know your diet chart for those pounds you gained in your pregnancy. According to dieticians, some foods provide your energy, which should be included at this stage in your life. Below… Continue reading Diet for New Mom – Month 10

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Diet for New Mom – Month 9

Before pregnancy, most women are told to ignore many food items. During this time greasy food items, spicy foods are avoided. However, many women crave these foods more. How much should I eat? If you are a mother of a 9-month-old baby, then you should well aware of the daily intake of food items. It… Continue reading Diet for New Mom – Month 9

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Diet for New Mom – Month 8

As we, all know for new mothers, caring for their baby is so important. For that, they have to eat well. Therefore, it can be so tempting, significantly when there less time to prepare a healthy meal. More often, they skip their mealtime by thinking to lose some weight. If you are a mother of… Continue reading Diet for New Mom – Month 8

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Diet for New Mom – Month 7

We embrace a new mother with a 7-month-old baby with tenderness and love. The Indian diet plan for the nursing mother helps her in the journey where she has to eat for two. We have heard about a nursing mother after giving birth need to eat for herself and her 7-month-old baby. A mother’s body… Continue reading Diet for New Mom – Month 7

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Diet for New Mom – Month 6

Proper nutrition is vital for everyone, and it is crucial for new mothers who recover from pregnancy, delivery, and labor. For a new mother with a six-month baby, it is essential to eat a proper diet and not to think of losing weight so that your and six-month-old baby’s health is in good condition. You… Continue reading Diet for New Mom – Month 6

Categorized as Diet

Diet for New Mom – Month 5

Many nursing mothers wonder if the food items they eat will affect their breast milk. While you should not eat for two but you must eat an additional 400 calories. If you are a nursing mother, you must pay attention to what you are eating for a 5-month-old baby. Make sure that it provides your… Continue reading Diet for New Mom – Month 5

Categorized as Diet