Pregnancy Yoga for Month 8

You have made it safely to the eighth month of your pregnancy. You must be really excited about the impending arrival of your bundle of joy, all the discomforts and pains notwithstanding. Of course, all this is a part of pregnancy and you have to bear them. However, with some yogasanas you can surely reduce… Continue reading Pregnancy Yoga for Month 8

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Pregnancy Yoga for Month 7

You have finally made it to the last and final lap of your pregnancy. This trimester will end in labor and childbirth. There is no denying the fact that you must be very excited now and finding hard to contain it. However, you might also be facing issues like severe back pain and leg cramps… Continue reading Pregnancy Yoga for Month 7

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Pregnancy Yoga for Month 6

Now that you are into the final month of your third trimester, your belly must finally be showing and you may also be starting to feel its weight. You may now be experiencing discomfort and pain in your back due to the growing weight of your baby bump. But, there is no denying the fact… Continue reading Pregnancy Yoga for Month 6

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Pregnancy Yoga for Month 5

Now that you are in the fifth month of your pregnancy, chances are that you may start experiencing a slight flutter in your belly. This is nothing but your baby moving around. Now, since this is a fleeting motion, not all mothers to be can feel it. So, don’t worry if you don’t feel anything.… Continue reading Pregnancy Yoga for Month 5

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Pregnancy Yoga for Month 4

You have finally got through your first trimester which is considered to be the toughest one, thanks to all the nausea and morning sickness that you experience. With the onset of the second trimester, you are surely in for some relief from the constant bouts of dizziness and nausea. However, it is still a long… Continue reading Pregnancy Yoga for Month 4

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Pregnancy Yoga for Month 3

The third month of pregnancy is quite similar to the second month as far as the nausea and morning sickness goes. However, there are few lucky ladies who do not face any such symptoms. But these are just a few. Most moms to behave to face these. Irrespective of what the challenges the expectant mothers… Continue reading Pregnancy Yoga for Month 3

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Pregnancy Yoga for Month 2

You are now into the second month of your pregnancy and must be tired of the morning sickness and the sudden bouts of nausea that can catch you unawares at any time during the day. Well, this is something you will have to put up with for another couple of months. But in the meantime,… Continue reading Pregnancy Yoga for Month 2

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Pregnancy Yoga for Month 1

The news that you are expecting a baby is one that changes your life most miraculously. However, they’re certainly a lot that goes on from the time your doctor confirms your pregnancy to the time that your little one comes into the world. What you need is the physical and mental strength to endure all… Continue reading Pregnancy Yoga for Month 1

Categorized as Yoga