Fertility Yoga on Week 12

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

One of the main reasons for you not getting pregnant is stress. Yoga helps a woman to release stress levels and increases the chance of getting pregnant. If you are planning and then say a big no to “Stress”.

For this week we suggest you the below-mentioned pose.

Viparita Karani – The Great Rejuvenator

  1. Sit sideways beside a wall with your legs extended out in front of you and right hip and shoulder against the wall.
  2. Pivoting at your hips, swing your legs up the wall and lie down. Lift your hips and place several cushions under your pelvis. Place a folded blanket under your head and let your arms rest alongside your body.
  3. Place an eye pillow over your closed eyes. Resting your hands over your stomach, stay here for up to fifteen minutes.
  4. To come out of the pose, bend your knees and rest your feet against the wall. Lift your hips, remove the cushions from under your pelvis, then roll over to your left side. Stay here for a few minutes before using your hands to gently assist yourself up into a sitting position.

Setu Bandhasana


Popularly known as the Bridge pose, it improves the blood circulation in the body while having a calming effect on the brain and central nervous system.

How to do it: 

  1. Lie on your back with arms by your side
  2. Slowly bend your knees and place your feet in a position where they are touching the floor
  3. Lift your pelvic area upwards while balancing your body on your arms and feet steady on the ground
  4. Try to stay in the same posture for 10-15 seconds
  5. repeat for  5 times

These two poses relax most of the muscles of the body and de-stress your body.   Practice these two at least once a  day during this week.

Always ensure your safety and do not stress your body for achieving the pose. do only as much as you feel comfortable.