Fertility Yoga on Week 9

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

This week, we focus on building strength in your body. Both viparita karani and balasana are excellent gentle yoga poses that help to stretch and relax muscles during each repetition.

Viparita Karani


Viparita Karani is believed to have anti-aging effects on your body and improves the blood circulation to your pelvic regionThis asana can drastically increase the chances of your conception by relaxing in this posture after sex.

How to do it:

  1. Lie on your back with legs stretched out straight
  2. Slowly lift your legs up to a 90-degree angle and hold the pose for as long as you can
  3. Repeat the posture around 5-8 times



Balasana helps relieve stress and increase blood flow.. This yoga asana stretches the muscles of your back, knees, hips, and thighs. Your stomach must be empty before doing this asana, so practice it at least four hours after a meal.

How to do it:

  1. Kneel on the floor and see that your toes touch each other as you sit on your heels
  2. Spread your knees hip-width apart and slowly bend forward
  3. Stretch your arms forward and place them in front of you
  4. Lie in the same position for as long as you can and continue breathing normally

Contact our partners if you need assistance to do the poses. They are experts and will provide the necessary guidance to you in achieving good results.