Pregnancy Checklist for Month 7

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

Congratulations! You are into the third trimester which means you are actually in the final lap of your pregnancy.

I agree that you may have gone through a harrowing time in the past few months with morning sicknesses, hormonal changes and physical changes springing in a new surprise every day but these are seven month pregnant symptoms which you have to bear for all good reasons.

However, believe me when I say that when you see your little bundle of joy, you will forget all this and may even think that every trouble was worth it.

In the mean time, you need to get some things done this month. Here is a pregnancy checklist to ensure that you don’t leave out any important tasks.

Making Arrangements at Hospital for Delivery

By this time, you may have finally zeroed in on the hospital where you would want to deliver your baby. So, this month, it would be a good idea to get through with all the initial formalities.

Leaving this out for the last minute may really not be a great idea.

First things first, you and your partner would be extremely stressed at the D-Day to go through the whole drill. Also, a prior notice would ensure that the hospital reserves a room of your choice for the day.

You don’t want to end up in a ward or a seedy, windowless room while managing your labor pains.

Enroll into an Infant Care Class

If you thought that delivering a baby would automatically equip you with the know how of the right way to take care of infants, think again.

There might be nurses in the hospital and elders at home to help you out initially. But, ultimately caring for your baby is your responsibility. And it is a lot of fun too.

So, if you don’t want to miss out on this adorable time, in your 7th month of pregnancy enroll into an infant care class where they teach you a lot of things like changing diapers, swaddling the newborn, making cloth diapers at home and what not.

Being equipped with this knowledge is sure to instill you with more confidence as the due date approaches.

Go Shopping for Maternity Accessories

Have you bought all the important things that you may need at the hospital? Well, if you haven’t yet started with this, go ahead and do it now.

You will need things like nursing bra, night gown, clothes for the baby, diapers, swaddling blanket, wipes etc.

It would be a good idea to consult your doctor or some experienced mothers and first create a list of all the things that you may need in the hospital. Then, plan a day and go shopping.

Baby Shower

Well, 7th month is just the right time to have a baby shower. If your family has planned the whole thing, then you really don’t need to worry about the arrangements.

However, if you are in charge, then get help from your spouse and close friends to plan the affair.

Fix a day which would be best suited for all and send invites for the celebration.

Delaying this is really not a great idea as with each passing day you will be bulking up and may not be in the mood for any lavish celebrations.

But, since a baby shower is a must, make sure you get it done within the 7th month.

Baby Furniture

Other than the clothes and diapers, there are a lot of other things that your little one will need.

This includes a pram, a crib or bassinet, a car seat etc. So, make sure that when you go shopping, you and your spouse zero in on the best baby furniture.

Check for quality and safety as in all probability you will be using these for a long time.

This seven months pregnant checklist is sure to help you through the 7th month of your pregnancy.


Check out our article on Pregnancy Diet for this month: Pregnancy Diet – Month7

Check out our article on Pregnancy Yoga for this month: Pregnancy Yoga – Month7