Pregnancy Health Issues -Month 6

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

The risk for complications increases towards the end of the second trimester. Hence, it is very important for the pregnant women to be aware of the potential health issues in the sixth month of pregnancy and seek appropriate medical attention in the case of need. Here is a list of health issues noticed in the sixth month of pregnancy.

Placenta previa

A condition characterized by painless bleeding due to covering of small portion of the cervix by the placenta is termed as Placenta previa. It is generally observed in the second and third trimesters. If the bleeding is mild, it may not lead to complications but the midwife may recommend you to take complete bed rest to prevent serious bleeding. In conditions of serious bleeding, hospitalization is essential. If you are observing bleeding for the first time do not neglect, take the physician advice.

Poor fetal movements

This is one of the most commonly observed fetal problems towards the end of the second trimester. It is characterized by slow or below the normal fetal movements. The exact reason for this cannot be identified. But, close observation and routine checkups can make such pregnancies successful. If the condition becomes worse, premature labor may be induced to save the baby. Consult the midwife immediately if you notice decreased fetal movements.


Lowered stomach volume caused by an increase in the size of the fetus and hormonal changes that happen normally during pregnancy cause indigestion. This, in turn results in heartburn that sometimes becomes very complicated. Heartburn can be prevented by avoiding spicy foods. Consider having small frequent meals rather than heavy meals to improve digestion. Consult your gynecologist regarding the use of antacid tablets or syrup that is safe to use during pregnancy and also give best results.

Bleeding gums

Increased rate of blood flow and the pregnancy hormones cause swelling and bleeding of gums while brushing. This is due to pregnancy gingivitis that makes gums more sensitive to bacteria. The Practice of good dental hygiene makes it easy to treat pregnancy gingivitis. Brush your teeth gently twice a day using a very soft brush. Floss your teeth every day. Avoid using alcohol containing mouthwashes as they make the pain more intense. Schedule an appointment with the dentist if you notice severe and frequent bleeding or there is a development of extra growths on the gums.

Sharp pain in one side of abdomen

Pain in the left side of the abdomen is not considered as a sign of any complications. The pain develops due to stretching of the uterus or due to the release of hormone relaxin that induces relaxation of muscles and joints in support of labor process. This, in turn, induces pain in the joints and muscles. Pain in the abdomen can also be due to indigestion that results in gas and bloating. The accumulated gas exerts pressure on intestines causing pain on either side of the abdomen or only one side.

One another reason for pain on one side of abdomen is the formation of cysts on the ovary. This has to be taken appropriate care as the growing uterus would exert pressure on the cyst causing severe pain and in certain conditions, it may even rupture resulting in complications.

Urinary tract infection that has spread all the way back to the uterus can also be cause for abdominal pain. Appropriate antibiotics have to be taken under the guidance of a physician to treat urinary tract infections as it can result in infection of the kidneys.

If the pain in the abdomen is associated with tightening of the muscles then it could be a sign of preterm labor. Contact your gynecologist immediately if you notice such pain, backache, and discharge. Consult the physician immediately if you suffer from other symptoms such as fever, difficulty walking, vaginal bleeding or leakage of fluids along with abdominal pain.

Pain in the abdomen due to indigestion can be treated with simple home remedies such as the use of jeera water, ginger and by taking fiber rich diet. Small nutritious meals are very effective at treating indigestion, gas, and bloating during pregnancy.

Other simple remedies to regulate mild to moderate abdominal pain during pregnancy is by regular practice of stretching exercises that are safe to practice during pregnancy. Breathing exercises also offer relief from abdominal pain. Try changing your sleeping and sitting postures for relief from abdominal pain.

Braxton hick contractions

False contractions of the uterine muscles that are noticed very early before the sixth week of pregnancy are termed as Braxton hick contractions. These contractions become more noticeable and sometimes very uncomfortable from the sixth month of pregnancy. Braxton hick contractions are generally painless and do not need any medical attention. However, if you notice more than four contractions per hour then it is important to consult a physician to prevent the risk of preterm labor.

To make yourself comfortable during the Braxton hick contractions try changing the activity you are involved. Indulge in activities that make you feel relaxed and release the contractions. Drinking of a glass of water can also provide relief from contractions if they are induced due to dehydration. Sleep on a flat bed and try practicing simple breathing exercises to relieve the contractions. It should be noted that these techniques do not provide any relief if you are having true labor contractions that need immediate medical attention.

Lastly, make a note to seek the advice of gynecologist if you observe any discomfort repeatedly or more intensively.