Pregnancy Health Issues -Month 8

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

The eighth month of pregnancy is the perfect time to enjoy the movements of your little one. The growing fetus will have sufficient space to move around and may even sometimes make a full turn. The movements tend to reduce in the last month of pregnancy due to insufficient space so, relish those memorable moments. Eight month of pregnancy also brings in certain discomforts such as incontinence, frequent urination, piles and other problems. Here is a list of health issues observed in the eighth month of pregnancy and the simple measures to be followed for controlling them.


Sudden leakage from the urinary bladder upon a sneeze, cough or getting up from a sitting position is commonly complained by the pregnant woman especially during the trimester. It is unavoidable but to prevent embarrassing situations it is recommended to use pads specially designed for bladder leakage. This even prevents the odor that develops after a small amount of leakage.

Incontinence can be kept under control by regular practice of kegel exercises. The exercise is simple to perform and can be performed at any time of the day. Simply squeeze, hold and release your pelvic muscles for several seconds and this will bring you a lot of difference in regulating bladder leakage.

Never reduce fluid intake with the fear of incontinence. Taking less fluid often worsens the condition. Consider taking eight glasses of water every day. Gaining excess weight than required also makes it hard to control incontinence. Hence, take a nutritious diet that provides the required nutrients to you and the baby without causing excess weight gain.

Frequent urination

The weight of the baby and the pressure exerted by the head of the baby on the bladder is the major cause of frequent urination during the eighth month of pregnancy. Frequent urination especially, at night causes disturbed sleep that in turn causes other problems such as tiredness. Regulating the water intake in the late evening often helps to control the problem. However, it is highly recommended to take sufficient fluids during the day. It should be noted that pain while urinating or blood in urine accompanied by frequent urination could be due to urine infections. It in such cases it is very important to consult the obstetrician immediately without delay as urine infections during pregnancy can result in serious complications if neglected.

Pelvic pain

Severe pain in the pelvic girdle is one another complaint given by pregnant woman during the eighth month of pregnancy. The pain develops due to various reasons like the weight of the baby being exerted on the pelvic bones, a previous injury to the pelvic girdle or those who have suffered from a backache before pregnancy or during the first pregnancy.

The pain is felt while walking, standing, or while taking stairs. The pain can sometimes be so bad that you will find it difficult to even toss over in bed. Relief from pelvic pain can be obtained by practicing exercises that strengthen the pelvic bones and the back. Manual therapy performed by professionals provides relief from the pain. A pelvic supporting belt can be worn to lower the baby weight falling on the pelvic bones. If you find difficult getting around then consider using crutches. Never involve in activities that increase the pain. Take sufficient rest to keep the pain under control.


Hemorrhoids or piles refer to the swelling of veins in the region of anus and rectum. Relaxation of veins caused by the hormonal changes during pregnancy increases the risk for hemorrhoids. Constipation also aggravates the piles. It is very important to control hemorrhoid formation during pregnancy to prevent additional discomfort. Piles can be avoided by preventing constipation. Intake of fiber rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, wholegrain bread and sufficient water prevents constipation and thus, the piles. Standing for long hours is one other cause for piles. Hence, avoid standing for long hours continuously. If the pain is severe hold an ice pack against the region to reduce the pain. If you suffer from external hemorrhoids that often stick out, consult your obstetrician regarding the use of a soothing gel to push them back inside and to ease the pain.


Sleeplessness or insomnia is very high in the eighth month of pregnancy. The growing bump makes it hard to sleep or to toss over in the bed. If the bump is preventing you from resting properly then consider sleeping to one side with a support pillow at the front as well as the back. You can even consider resting your legs on the pillow. Avoid taking caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and tea in the evening as they make it hard for you to sleep. Go for a walk in the evening. Restrict you afternoon nap to a very less time. Taking a hot shower before going to bed reduces the stress and soothes all the body muscles enabling you to slip into sound sleep very easily.


The feeling of breathlessness is observed in the last two months of the last trimester. It develops as the fetus grows in size and starts pushing your lungs. Breathlessness is a very common symptom and does not need any treatment. The baby and the mother continue to receive sufficient oxygen. However, consult your midwife if the feeling of breathlessness is severe. Breathlessness while sleeping can be controlled by lying down on one side and having a support pillow for your tummy. Take rest whenever you feel tired. Regular practice of simple breathing exercises provides relief.

If you feel bored at home, consider shopping for baby needs. This would make you forget the discomfort and adjust with your condition.