Pregnancy Nutrition Guide For Second Month

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020
second month pregnancy diet

Welcome to the second month of pregnancy. First month might have passed unnoticed. But starting from 5th week, pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness become more prominent. It is time to concentrate more on nutrition to support the healthy growth of the fetus.

This is the stage of formation of neural tube that converts to the brain, spinal cord and nerves of the baby. Here is a small guide and pregnancy diet chart to assist you in having a nutritious diet in the second month of pregnancy.

Essential Nutrients to have

Folic Acid and vitamin D

Folic acid and vitamin D continue to be the major nutrients required during the second month of pregnancy. The deficiency of folic acid can result in neural tube abnormalities in a fetus. About 400mcg of Folic acid is essential everyday during the second month of pregnancy.

To meet this high demand it is essential to take supplements of folic acid in addition to taking folic acid-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables like spinach, beans, and fortified cereals.

To meet the vitamin D demands consider staying under morning sunlight for at least half-n-hour. Though sunlight provides plenty of vitamin D to meet the extra demands it is recommended to take Vitamin D supplements to support good calcium absorption and better blood circulation to the fetus.


Iron is another major nutrient required during the second month of pregnancy. An increased amount of iron is required to provide sufficient blood supply to the fetus. Iron deficiency can result in tiredness and this can be even more if you are suffering with morning sickness. In addition to vitamin D and folic supplements make sure to have iron supplements to prevent weakness and ensure good blood supply to the fetus.

Foods such as rice flakes, dates and figs are a rich sources of iron. If you cannot have dates consider mixing date syrup to milk instead of sugar.

Other essential nutrients

Other nutrients such as protein and calcium are required to support the healthy growth of the baby.


To support the good growth of the baby it is important for the mother to take good amount of protein. The protein requirement gradually increases as you progress into the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Consider including protein rich foods such as pulses and salmon fish in the diet.

Lean meat is also a good source of protein. The best part of taking lean meat is it not only serves as a good source of protein but also provides easy to assimilate iron.


Calcium is an essential mineral required during pregnancy to support the formation of bones of the baby. If you do not take sufficient calcium rich foods during pregnancy then the extra calcium demands of the baby would be met by drawing calcium from the bones of the mother resulting in weak bones of the mother.

Calcium requirement continues to be high during pregnancy and also after pregnancy during lactation. Hence, it is very important for the mother to take sufficient amount of calcium rich foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products.

Foods to avoid during pregnancy

  • Alcohol: Alcohol taken by mother during pregnancy passes to the fetus through the umbilical cord and is considered to cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. The babies are believed to suffer with behavioral and learning problems after birth.
  • Raw uncooked foods: half-boiled or raw foods often remain contaminated with bacteria. Hence, it recommended avoiding unpasteurized or raw foods during pregnancy to prevent the risk of bacterial infections.

What to eat when pregnant

  • Fruits and vegetables. A minimum of five to ten servings is required to meet the vitamin and mineral demand. Having good amount of fruits and vegetables also provides the fiber that aids in digestion and prevents constipation, a common complaint by many women during pregnancy.
  • Whole grain foods such as whole-wheat bread, pasta, oatmeal, and brown rice. They serve as a good sources of protein and vitamin B. Having sufficient amounts of vitamin B prevents fatigue.
  • Dairy products of at least 3 to 4 servings.

What not to eat when pregnant

  • Caffeine: Keep a check on amount of caffeine you take in a day. Limit the number of times you take coffee to prevent miscarriage and preterm delivery. Daily caffeine intake during pregnancy should not be more than 200mg.

  • Fish: Fish varieties such as Tuna and albacore that contain high amounts of mercury.

Delicious lunch plans to have during the second month of pregnancy

Plan your lunch menu so as to include essential food groups like grains and bread, vegetables, milk and dairy, meat and pulses. Take calorie and fat-rich foods in a limited quantity. Make sure to ensure the quality of the food rather than concentrating the quantity.


You do not have to eat for two as everyone suggests you. The calorie requirements during pregnancy are only slightly higher – 300 calories than normal. So, eat nutritious food than concentrating on the portion size. Fine-tune the foods you eat by including some of the following suggested foods in your lunch.

  • ½ cup of cooked spinach.
  • A cup (about 170 g) of yogurt at the end of the meal as it is a rich source of calcium.
  • About 85 g of well-cooked salmon fish with bones.
  • Large completely boiled egg. Make sure to cook the egg well to prevent bacterial infections.
  • A perfectly grilled chicken breast.
  • ½ cup of cooked lentils.
  • ½ cup of cooked kidney beans.

Snacks to have during the second month of pregnancy

  • Milk with fortified cereals and Almonds: Low fat milk along with fortified cereals is the best snack to have in the evening to meet the folic acid demand. Sprinkle few roasted almonds for an appetizing taste and to make it a healthy snack rich in proteins.
  • An ounce of dry roasted peanuts approximately 28 gms along with a small glass of orange juice fortified with calcium.
  • Two slices of bread spread with peanut butter that is fortified with vitamins and minerals.
  • Spinach pakoda made using spinach and Bengal gram flour. Add little of cumin seeds powder to improve digestion.

These snacks can be included in pregnant woman diet