Pregnancy Progress Week 5

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

By now you may have missed your period and would be eager to get the good news confirmed. Well, you would be happy to know that by this week, the HCG hormones in your body would have shot up and would now be ready enough to display two lines of the pregnancy test kit.

Confirming your Pregnancy

With so many pregnancy test kits available these days, you don’t really need to go to the doctor to confirm the news. Just get a kit from the medical store near you. Collect a sample of your urine, preferably the first urine of the day as the HCG content is highest in this. Using a dropper, put 2-3 drops of urine into the small circular area designated for the purpose on the stick and then, tilt the stick such that the urine moves through the whole stick. You may have to wait for a couple of minutes before the lines appear on the stick. If you see two lines, you are pregnant. Congratulations!!

Meeting the Doctor – Should you, Shouldn’t you?

Once, your pregnancy is confirmed, it is advisable to consult a doctor who would prescribe you folic acid tablets and other supplements that will enhance the development of your baby. She will also help you understand the dos and don’ts that you need to follow diligently during this period.

What to Expect this Week?

Now, you might feel exhausted all the time and your sense of smell may also have developed manifolds. So, everyday smells of an onion being roasted or your husband’s cologne may seem just too annoying to you.

You may also start feeling nauseated and may even throw up at times. You might also start feeling sick in the mornings with light-headedness and nausea which can be quite challenging. Sometimes, you may be annoyed by the high amount of saliva in your mouth. However, this is quite normal during pregnancy.

Your Baby This Week

By the fifth week, your baby might look more or less like a tadpole with a body and a tail and will be the size of a seed of an orange. This week, the first organ system i.e. the circulatory system of the baby will start developing and the heart function will also begin. However, you may not be able to see the heartbeat in the ultrasound as it is still in the early stage of development.

Things to do to make this Week Count

  • It would be a great idea to get a pregnancy kit without your husband knowing about it. This way, you can maintain the secrecy and give him a pleasant surprise later.
  • Get an appointment with a gynecologist at the earliest as she will be able to direct you through the dos and don’ts.
  • Chew sugar-free gums to keep a check on the saliva levels in your mouth.
  • Stay away from milk that is not pasteurized, meat, and eggs that are uncooked as these can cause food poisoning and other diseases that are harmful, for the baby.
  • If getting up in the morning seems like a task, it would be a good idea to munch on a few biscuits before, get out of the bed. You can even request your husband to get you breakfast in bed.