Pregnancy Progress Week 6

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

There is no doubt that in spite of your happiness about the soon to join member in the family, you are really going through a harrowing time. Coping with morning sickness, lethargy, and nausea might be a bit too much for you.

However, here is some good news. If you are eating right and taking all your medications of time, you would be pleased to know that it would help your little darling to develop in just the right way.

What’s happening inside you?

The pregnancy hormone which is known as HCG is increasing at a steady rate and would continue to do so for quite some time. Your kidneys start working more efficiently during this week and thus produce more urine to push out the waste.

The muscle above the stomach lining that prevents the digestive juices from flowing into the food pipe relaxes considerably and would remain this way till you complete your term.

What to Expect this Week?

There might be some subtle changes that you may notice this week, other than the queasiness. First things first, you will be amazed to find yourself craving for things you might never have been too enthusiastic about earlier.

So, if you have suddenly started craving for spicy food or gained a sweet tooth, blame it all on the pregnancy hormones. You can surely indulge in these cravings once in a while. But, make sure to watch what you eat as your body is quite susceptible to put on weight during pregnancy which you might find hard to lose later.

You may start feeling the need to use the loo every now and then. This happens mainly because HCG enhances the blood flow to the pelvic region. Also, the heightened efficiency of your kidneys is another reason for this.

If you have never experienced heartburn in your life, this is the time you get a firsthand experience. And remember, this is just the beginning. Indigestion and heartburns would keep you company throughout the term thanks to the preventive muscle having gone on a vacation.

Your Baby This Week

While you are busy allaying the symptoms of pregnancy, your little one is oblivious to all your struggles and busy growing up. Your baby is known as an embryo at this stage and will be in the shape of a “C”.

This week, the slight bump on the top of the group of cells, that is your baby, develops into a small head with a chin, jaw, and cheeks taking shape. The ears also start to form this week. Some small dots may start appearing on the face which will later transform into the two bright eyes and a cute nose.

This week, your little one’s heart starts pumping blood and would be more evident on the ultrasound.  The neural nerve which would later develop into the baby’s spine also takes shape this week.

Things to do to make this Week Count

  • It is time to tell your partner the great news. After all, you surely need all the pampering and hovering around.
  • Go shopping for pregnancy books and guides with your husband. You can even choose to buy audio-books.
  • Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated.
  • While urinating, make sure to empty your bladder completely. This will help you to stay away from the loo for a longer period.

Drink a glass of chilled milk before going to bed to keep a check on the heartburn.