Pregnancy Yoga for Month 2

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

You are now into the second month of your pregnancy and must be tired of the morning sickness and the sudden bouts of nausea that can catch you unawares at any time during the day. Well, this is something you will have to put up with for another couple of months.

But in the meantime, you need to realize that during the journey of pregnancy, your body undergoes a drastic change. You may come across problems that you may have never encountered before like gastric troubles, indigestion, heartburns, etc. This is nothing to worry about as all this subsides once the baby arrives. However, in the coming months, as your baby bump grows, these issues will also grow.

All you can do is to do some Yogasanas that will keep you fit in this state while also rectifying these problems to some extent. These asanas will also come in handy to prepare your body for the impending delivery. But remember that not all yoga exercises are good for you. You must steer clear of asanas that compromise yours and your baby’s safety.

Carry on with the yoga poses that you have been practicing since the first month and add these too to the regimen.

1. Supta Udarakarshan Asan (Sleeping Abdominal Stretch Pose):



If you are facing problems like indigestion, gastric issues, etc, practicing this asana daily will control these and even ease these up after some time. Along with this, the asana will also relive the stiffness and pain that you might feel after sitting for long hours. Though you may not be facing this problem now, with the increasing belly weight, you are sure to fall prey to it soon. However, practicing this yoga pose will ensure that you do not face this at all.

  1. On your yoga mat, lie down on your back.
  2. Now interlock your fingers and place your hands under your head.
  3. Next, bend your knees such that your feet are placed firmly on the ground.
  4. Slowly lower your bent legs towards the right by twisting your abdomen and spine uniformly, while breathing out from your nose. Turn your head towards the left.
  5. In case, you find this hard, you can stretch your hands outwards and place them palm down in a straight line with your shoulders.
  6. Hold this position for some time and then go back to the original pose.
  7. Repeat this to the left side while moving your head to the right.

10 reps on either side would be good to begin with.

2. Kashta Takhshan Asana (Chopping Wood Pose):

This yogasana is extremely beneficial in toning your pelvic muscles and loosening the pelvic girdle. This would be of great advantage when you go into labor and will make it easier to deliver the baby, the natural way.

  1. With your feet placed flat and firmly on the ground, squat while keeping your feet at least one and a half feet apart from each other.
  2. Now, interlock your fingers and place your hands between your feet on the floor.
  3. Make sure to keep your hands straight throughout the exercise.
  4. While breathing in, raise your hands slowly as high as possible above your head and even behind it till you feel the strain on your spine.
  5. Next, while breathing out through your mouth, bring your hands down to the original position in one swift motion.

This asana is atypical to the way one chops logs. Repeat this at least 10 times.

3. Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose):


This yoga exercise creates a perfect physical and mental balance in your body thereby enhancing your overall well being. It also clears any kind of congestion that may affect the spinal nerves. The stretching strengthens the abdominal muscles and tones the nerves in the area.

  1. Stand straight with your feet placed firmly on the ground and your arms by your side.
  2. Now, raise your hands and interlock your fingers. Then turn your interlocked palms such that they face up.
  3. While inhaling, stretch your arms, your shoulders as well as your chest upwards.
  4. Simultaneously raise your heels such that you stand on your toes. Make sure to be very careful with this as you can easily lose balance.
  5. Stretch your body as much as you can.
  6. Hold this for a few seconds and then lower your heels as you exhale. Bring down your hands to the original position.
  7. Relax for a few seconds and then repeat.

5-10 reps will be sufficient.

Before Yoga

You should not practice yoga on a full stomach as this can have an adverse effect on your health. So, make sure to keep a gap or at least 2 hours between your last meal and the time you choose to practice yoga. Wear comfortable clothes that allow you to stretch and do not confine your movements.

After Yoga

Practice Shavasana to let your body cool down after your yoga session. For this, lie down on your back with your arms and legs stretched. Your legs should be one foot apart while your hands should be away from your body, placed palm up. Close your eyes, relax your muscles and take deep breaths.

Meditation during Pregnancy

Thanks to the enhanced levels of hormones in your body, you are ought to feel grumpy and emotional all the time during pregnancy. However, keeping your emotions under check is extremely important for the well being of your unborn child. So, set aside some quiet time every day to meditate and relax your mind. In case you find this hard, just find a quiet place and chant a mantra. Even the conventional “Om” chanting for about five to ten minutes will help you to relax.

Yoga has great health benefits and is recommended by doctors for pregnant women. However, before you begin practicing it, make sure that you consult your doctor to learn about the dos and don’ts.

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