Pregnancy Yoga for Month 3

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

The third month of pregnancy is quite similar to the second month as far as the nausea and morning sickness goes. However, there are few lucky ladies who do not face any such symptoms. But these are just a few. Most moms to behave to face these.

Irrespective of what the challenges the expectant mothers face, they need to take care of their health and prepare their body for all the impending changes as well as childbirth. According to experts, one of the best ways to do this is by practicing yoga. However, not all yoga exercises are safe for pregnant women. They need to make sure that the asanas they practice are beneficial and at the same time do not pose any threat to them or their unborn child.

Here are some of the yogasanas that can be safely practiced during the third month of pregnancy. It should be noted that the yoga exercises suggested for the first month can be added to the third-month yoga regime along with Pranayama and meditation.

1. Marjari Asana (Cat Stretch Pose):


This asana is said to tone the reproductive organs of the woman which in turn makes her childbirth experience an easy one. It also enhances the flexibility of the neck and shoulders. This asana can be safely practiced up to six months of pregnancy. However, once the baby bump starts showing, trying this could be difficult and also unsafe.

2. Utthanasana (Squat and Rise Pose):

This yogasana is said to strengthen the muscles of the uterus, thighs, ankles as well as the middle area of the back.

  1. Stand straight with your feet about a meter apart from each other.
  2. Now interlock the fingers of your hands and let the joined arms lie loosely in front of you.
  3. As you bend your knees, lower your buttocks to squat.
  4. Then straighten your knees and come back to the original pose.

Repeat this 10-20 times every day.

3. Katichakrasana (Waist Rotating Pose):


This yoga exercise is believed to be a great stress buster and also helps in toning the muscles of the back, hip, and waist.

  1. Stand with your hands on your side and your feet about half meter apart from each other.
  2. While inhaling raise your arms to the level of the shoulder.
  3. As you exhale, twist your body to the left and at the same time, place your right arm on your left shoulder while wrapping your left arm behind your back.
  4. Make sure to look over your left shoulder.
  5. Return to starting pose.

Repeat the same thing on the other side. 5-10 repetitions on each side will suffice.

Before Yoga

Make sure that there is a gap of at least 2 to 3 hours between the time you ate your last meal and the time you practice yoga. Keep yourself hydrated by sipping water intermittently during the session.

After Yoga

After you are done with all the yogasanas, let your body cool down by practicing shavasana. Lie down on your back with your legs straight and feet apart and your hands by your side, palm up. Relax your muscles and breathe deeply.

Meditation during Pregnancy

Meditation can work wonders for the hormonal changes that invade your body during pregnancy and leave you moody and cranky as well as depressed at times. Find a quiet place for meditation and chant “Om”. Try to concentrate on the chant and nothing else.

Practicing yoga during pregnancy is a great way to connect with your body. This in turn will help you to come to terms with the changes in your body and accept them graciously. It also helps to prepare you for the imminent childbirth.