Pregnancy Yoga for Month 4

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

You have finally got through your first trimester which is considered to be the toughest one, thanks to all the nausea and morning sickness that you experience. With the onset of the second trimester, you are surely in for some relief from the constant bouts of dizziness and nausea. However, it is still a long journey till the due date, which is why you need to remain active and keep your body healthy. The best way to do this is with some yoga exercises.

Here are some yogasanas that are considered to be safe during the fourth month of pregnancy.

1. Matsya Kridasana (Flapping Fish Pose):


With the growing belly bump, you are most likely to suffer from indigestion as well as constipation. Practicing this yoga pose helps to relieve any such symptoms. It also helps in relaxing the nerves of the legs which will start experiencing strain as the belly size and your weight increase. This is a great exercise to practice in the later stages of pregnancy too, when lying on your back would not be a good idea.

  1. Lie down on your stomach.
  2. Interlock your fingers and place your palms under your head.
  3. Now, slowly bend your left knee and bring it close to your ribs. Make sure that your right leg is straight.
  4. Swivel your arms and try to place your left elbow on your left knee. However, if you can’t reach your knee, do not strain too much. Just place the elbow on the floor.
  5. Place the right side of your hear over your right arm.
  6. Relax in this pose for some time and then get back to the original pose.
  7. Repeat the same on the other side too. 5-10 reps on both sides would be sufficient.

It should be noted that you can place under your head or knee for more comfort.

2. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose):

Unlike the other yogasanas that need to be practiced at least after two hours of a meal, this is an asana that can be practiced immediately after having a meal. This yoga exercise enhances your digestive system and also reduces acidity, which is one issue that you are sure to face as your baby bump grows. It also improves the strength of the pelvic muscles that is sure to prove beneficial at the time of childbirth.

  1. Kneel down on the floor.
  2. Now, place your big toes together while separating your heels.
  3. Sit on your feet such that the heels touch the side of your hips.
  4. Place your hands on your knees with your palms touching the knees.
  5. Keep your back and head straight but ensure that the muscles in these areas are not tensed.
  6. Breathe deeply and exhale.

Sit like this for a minute or two.

3. Hasta Utthanasana (Hand Raising Pose):


As your belly starts to grow, you are ought to experience stiffness in your back. This yoga exercise is sure to help relieve this. It also enhances the blood circulation in the body thereby improving the supply of oxygen.

  1. Stand straight with your feet together and your arms by your side.
  2. Now bring your hands together and cross them in front of your body.
  3. As you inhale, raise your crossed hands holding them in the same position, above your head.
  4. Simultaneously, bend your head back and look at your hands.
  5. As you exhale, bring your hands to your sides up to the shoulder level.
  6. Now reverse the steps while inhaling and exhale as you bring your crossed arms back to the front of your body.

10-20 reps of this yogasana will be a great idea.

Before Yoga

It is important that you do not perform yoga exercises on an empty stomach. However, you cannot practice yoga immediately after meals as well. So, make sure to keep a gap of at least two to three hours between your meals and yoga sessions. Instead of gulping down water at one go, take small sips whenever you feel thirsty while practicing yoga.

After Yoga

Once you are done with your yoga session, make sure that you give your body some time to relax and cool down. The best way to do this is by practicing Shavasana. Just lie down on your back with your hands on your side, face up and your legs apart. Close your eyes and take deep breaths.


Pregnancy is wrought with mood swings and unexplained anxiety. The best way to ward these off is to practice meditation. All you need is a clean and quiet place and the will to find peace. Close your eyes and try to empty your mind of all thoughts. In case you find this hard, keep chanting “Om” or any other mantra that you know. Make sure to focus on your chant and nothing else. Don’t forget to take deep breaths as you go about this practice.

Pregnancy is an experience to enjoy and cherish. However, you also need to keep yourself fit and get your body ready for the impending childbirth. Yoga is definitely the best way to do this. But, make sure that you do not practice any asanas that are considered unsafe for pregnant women. Also, there is no need to push yourself to the hilt. Just do what seems appropriate and is comfortable to you.

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