Pregnancy Yoga for Month 8

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

You have made it safely to the eighth month of your pregnancy. You must be really excited about the impending arrival of your bundle of joy, all the discomforts and pains notwithstanding. Of course, all this is a part of pregnancy and you have to bear them. However, with some yogasanas you can surely reduce this discomfort while also getting your body ready for childbirth.

Here are some yoga exercises that are considered safe during the eighth month of pregnancy.

1. Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose):


If you are suffering from swelling in your feet, practicing this asana can surely help you get some relief from it. This exercise also enhances the flow of blood to the abdominal region, thereby stimulating the organs within. It is also considered beneficial in relieving constipation which is a necessary evil of pregnancy.

  1. Stand straight with your legs at hip-width apart.
  2. Now, slowly twist the right heel such that the toes of the foot point outwards.
  3. Make sure that your left foot is grounded and its arch is in straight line with the right foot.
  4. Next, raise your arms while slowly lowering your hip.
  5. Bend slowly and such that your right-hand touches your right foot while the left hand is raised upwards.
  6. Turn your head and gaze towards your left hand.
  7. Breathe deeply and hold this pose as long as you are comfortable.

2. Malasana (Garland Pose):

This yogasana works wonders for the area below your waist i.e. your hips and thighs. It enhances their strength thereby enabling them to support the ever-growing weight of your baby bump. This yoga exercise also opens the pelvic area thereby making childbirth easy for you.

  1. Stand straight.
  2. Now lower your body and take up the squatting position ensuring that your buttocks are away from the ground while your feet are firmly grounded.
  3. You can also try to lift your body on the balls of your feet. However, this should be done only if you are confident enough and comfortable too.
  4. Next, join the palms of your hands at the center while placing your elbows on the sides of your knees.
  5. Try to push your knees apart as far as possible with your elbows. Make sure not to strain too much.
  6. Hold the pose for as long as you feel comfortable and then release.

3. Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose):


This asana is said to open up your pelvic muscles, thereby enhancing the chances of natural birth. It also improves the blood circulation in your body which is good for you as well as your unborn child.

  1. Sit on the yoga mat with your legs stretched out straight in front of you.
  2. Now, slowly fold your knees such that your feet meet at the center and face each other.
  3. Make sure to keep your back straight.
  4. With your palms, hold your feet and then stay in this pose as long as it is comfortable for you.

Before Yoga

There is little doubt that you must be feeling hungry quite often now. Well, this is normal. However, when practicing yoga, make sure to space it at least a couple of hours from the last time that you had a meal. Also, do not drink a lot of water before starting the session. Instead, sip on the water whenever need be.

After Yoga

Though yoga is not an intense exercise, it does make your body temperature soar. So, it is important that once you are done with your session, you should give some time for your body to cool down. You can do this by lying down in modified Savasana. For this, use some cushions or pillows to support your head, back, and belly. Lie down sideways with your leg over the cushion that you have placed under your belly. Keep your eyes closed, take deep breaths and relax.


Meditation is one of the best ways to relax your mind and enhance your mental well being. For this, find a clean and quiet place in your home. Light some incense stick if you like, close your eyes and focus on one thought while emptying your mind of all the rest. This is surely not an easy task. You can try chanting “Om” or some other mantra for meditation.

As the due date approaches, your body exhibits a lot of changes. You may find yourself feeling short of breath or tired most of the time.

However, make sure to take some time out for yoga as this is will do you good.