Pregnancy Yoga for Month 9

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

In this post, we discuss 3 prenatal yoga poses suitable for the 9th month pregnant.  These reduce the back pain, give relaxation to hip muscles and reduce pressure on the back due to growing belly.

You have finally made it to the last and final lap of your pregnancy. This trimester will end in labor and childbirth. There is no denying the fact that you must be very excited now and finding hard to contain it. However, you might also be facing issues like severe back pain and leg cramps due to the ever-increasing weight of your baby bump. Well, hang on there as this discomfort will soon be over.

In the meantime, what you can do is take your mind of all this and try to reduce your issues by practicing yoga. Here are some yogasanas that you can safely practice during the third trimester.

1. Agnistambhasana (Ankle to Knee Pose):


If you are really bogged by backaches, practicing this yoga exercise is sure to give you some relief. It also helps to relax the tension in your muscles.

  1. Sit down with your feet in front of you and your knees bent.
  2. Now slide your right foot and place it under your left knee.
  3. Next move your left foot and its shin over the right leg in such a way that the footrests on the right knee. In case, you are not able to take the foot all the way due to your belly, no worries. Just do what is comfortable. There is no need to strain whatsoever.
  4. Now rest your palms over the knee and the foot. You can also join these as if offering a prayer.
  5. Make sure to keep your back straight.
  6. Stay in this position for some time while breathing deeply and then repeat on the other side.

2. Eka Pada Kapotasana (One-Legged Pigeon Pose):


This yogasana is extremely beneficial in relaxing the hip muscles and is a great hip opener. It also works wonders in relieving the back pain.

  1. Stand on all fours.
  2. Slowly bring your right knee forward such that it is just behind your right hand.
  3. Rotate your right thigh outwards in such a way that your right foot faces your left knee.
  4. Now curl the toes of your left foot and start pushing your left knee backward till it is totally straight.
  5. Slowly lift your pelvis while bringing the inner thighs together.
  6. Uncurl the toes of your left foot.
  7. As you inhale, push your tailbone towards the ground while raising the crown of your head upwards.
  8. As you exhale, extend your hands such that your torso touches the floor. If your size seems to constrict your movements, do not strain.
  9. Take in a few deep breaths and then follow all the steps backward until you are back on your all fours again.
    Repeat this with the other leg too.

3. Balasana (Child’s Pose):

As your belly grows bigger and heavier, it is not just you back that starts feeling the pressure. Your belly starts to weigh you down, which is why taking away some pressure from it, can be a great relief. This yoga exercise does exactly that while also offering you some reprieve from the back pain.

  1. Kneel on the ground and then sit back such that your buttocks are placed on your heels. Make sure that your big toes are touching each other.
  2. Try to move your knees such that they are at hip-distance apart.
  3. Slowly lean forward while extending your hand such that your torso comes between your legs.
  4. Bend your head to touch your forehead to the mat.
  5. In case, extending the arms does not seem comfortable, you can lay them alongside your body with your palms up.

Before Yoga

It is very important to eat healthy food at regular intervals during pregnancy. However, you should always space your meals at least two hours from your yoga sessions. While practicing the asanas, sip on water rather than gulping down mouthfuls.

After Yoga

You need to cool down your body after the yoga session. For this practice the side-lying savasana. You can use pillows and cushions to support your head, belly, and legs.


Though your mood wrecking hormones might be at rest at the time, chances are rife that you might be facing anxiety and fear of the impending childbirth. The best way to get over this is by meditation. Find a clean and quiet place and sit down with your legs crossed. Try to concentrate on a single thought. In case this seems hard, just chant one of the mantras.

Pregnancy is a fulfilling and exciting journey. However, you need to be extremely careful about your activities. So, stay safe and practice yoga and meditation to enhance your well being.


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