Recovery after Vaginal Birth

Last updated On November 17th, 2020

An essential phase in every new mother’s life is the post-partum period. Typically, lasting about six to eight weeks after the delivery. The body goes through a number of changes during this phase. During this period, the mother undergoes emotional and physical changes that come along with the responsibility of motherhood. In most customs and religions, the first 40 days after delivery termed as the restrictive period, which is strictly meant for the mother to restore and bond with the baby. Practices and rituals followed during this period are different across various parts of the country.

Stitches after vaginal delivery are very common. They are usually sore in the beginning and they begin to itch as they start to heal. It is very important to take extra care after delivery so that stitches do not get infected and cause complications. After a normal delivery, the vagina is generally painful and swollen. So proper care and attention are essential for the vagina recovery and for healing stitches completely. To relieve the soreness of the vagina some home remedies can be followed such as placing an ice or cold pack on the area or sitting on a pillow instead of a hard surface.

There might a chance to get occasional contractions, during the first few days after delivery. These contractions are called after pains, which often feels like menstrual cramps. These are very common at the time of breastfeeding, due to the release of oxytocin. A pain killer might be a relief for such pain.

Vaginal birth recovery time might vary for different persons due to the ways in which the body system responds to pregnancy and delivery. Complete recovery from normal delivery will take up to 6 to 8 weeks while in some others, recovery can take longer. Taking rest, sleep, eat and be happy in the best way how much it is possible. During the normal birth recovery period, the chance of high hormonal imbalance is very high all over the body so consultation with the health care team is highly recommended for the progress of the recovery. After giving birth, postpartum bleeding can be lasted for up to six weeks. This bleeding is the heaviest for the first three to ten days.

In the first few days after the delivery, it would be the period of making colostrum, a nutrient-rich essential that helps to boost the baby’s immune system. Nursing or pumping will unwind the swelling and tenderness of the breast. To some extent, breast tenderness can be reduced by placing cold washcloths on the breast in between the feeding time. Always try to wear a firm or supportive bra that helps in reducing the tenderness problem.

Vaginal delivery extends the bladder and it can cause nerve and muscle damage for a short time. That can make it hard to go to the bathroom even in an emergency. One more thing that is noticeable that the leakage of a little pee during the time of laugh or cough. This should get better on its own. There are some exercises for tightening the muscles and this will helps in slow down this problem in some way.

Losing hair, and skin damages are the other area which is often affected during the post-partum period. During the first three months after the normal delivery hair falls out is quite common. Getting panic is not a solution to this problem. This comes from shifting hormone levels. Higher levels of hormone would always help in growing the hair faster. Stretch marks on the belly and breast area can be seen during the pregnancy period. They will not go completely. But over time the chance of getting fade is more. Mental health also plays a prominent role during the post-partum period. It is directly correlated with hormonal changes. Exercise is very important for physical as well as mental health. Mood swings are an important factor that may cause postpartum depression. This has an adverse effect on many things such as loss of appetite, and lack of joy in life after the normal delivery.

Gaining weight is very common after normal delivery. At the same time weight loss may also happen after normal childbirth. Losing weight is because of many factors such as the weight of the baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid. A healthy diet and exercise can help to gradually get back to the pre-pregnancy weight.

The postpartum checkup is quite important after the first three weeks of normal childbirth. A good health care provider helps in evaluating the emotional well being and assisting by giving instructions about baby care and breastfeeding. This would be a great help for every mother to have a physical examination which involves checking of cervix, vagina, and uterus. This appointment helps to clarify the personal concerns which are related to how to cope up with the new life and the new baby.