Teething In Babies: What Can You Do As Parents?

Last updated On November 24th, 2020

That cute smile with two teeth out is the best experience for every parent. It is an adorable thing in babies. Is your baby continuously putting the fingers in the mouth? Did you find the gum of the baby’s mouth is hard and solid? Well, it’s time for teething.

It is a natural process when teeth erupt in babies. It sounds easy but the process for a baby is tough. It is a kind of discomfort in babies.


As new parents, you must know certain things beforehand so that when your little one starts teething you can do certain things that can reduce the teething discomfort. Pain, irritation, loss of interest in food, continuous putting objects, and fingers in the mouth are the signals that the baby is going through this teething procedure.

The teeth eruption comes in batches. Hence, you should witness the front lower teeth eruption at first, then the front upper teeth after a few months. But, babies are exceptional.

Like my baby got his front upper teeth first in the count of four and after a few months, the lower front teeth appear in the count of two. So, it varies from one baby to another baby.


Still, you should know the basic timeline of teeth eruption in babies. It gives you a general idea when your baby will get the teeth as per the age. The age of teething varies from one baby to another. So, you should not compare the teething time with another baby. Do not worry if your baby does not fall under the general timeline.

From six to twelve months, the central teeth will erupt. From nine to sixteen months, lateral incisors teeth will erupt. From thirteen to nineteen months, the first molars will appear. From seventeen to twenty-three months, canines and from twenty-three to thirty-three months, second molars.

So, by the age of 3, the toddler will get all 20 teeth as their milk teeth. This is a general timeline of teeth but not all babies need to fall under this general timeline. Some babies get teeth early or later.

Signs Of Teething

1. Swollen and Red Gums- The swollen gum is the sign that your baby will get teething soon.
2. Drool Excessively- Drooling is another sign of teething. It can continue for many weeks. Once the tooth appears, it stops.
3. Excessive chewing and biting- The pressure of teeth on the gum is tremendous hence to get relief from the teething pain babies try to bite and chew everything.
4. Irritation and Crankiness- Babies cannot express their feeling. Hence, they become irritable and cranky. They become restless because it is very painful for them.
5. Potty Changes- It is one of the symptoms where the texture of the potty changes. Not all babies get this symptom and it happens to some babies.
6. Lose interest In Eating- Baby’s lose appetite and they completely eating food. The main reason is the discomfort that happens inside the gum. Most mothers panic when their babies do not eat solids. Do not take too much tension and allow the baby to take its own time. Whatever little the baby wants to have just made him feed that. It is enough for your baby.

Remedies and Tricks To Soothe Teething Pain

  • Teethers- Well, there are huge numbers of teethers available in the market. You can buy them for your baby. They are made of silicone which is BPA free i.e. Child Safe. The texture of the teethers soothes the pain of the gums.
  • Frozen Foods- If your baby already started solids, then you can give your baby tethers where you can include frozen food for your baby.
  • Soft wet cloth for chewing- When you give cold objects to chew the teething pain reduces. Take a clean washcloth, wet it, and then give the baby to chew. Some babies do not like cold teethers I offer them a normal one at a regular temperature.
  • Finger Massage- Clean your finger or use a teether ring to massage the irritated gum. It will help the baby to soothe the pain.
  • Offer Smashed Food- Do try to feed solid in the smashed form so that babies do not have to chew the food. Also, offer food that gives taste on babies tastebud.

So, if you do not want your little kiddo to suffer from teething pain, then apply these remedies. These remedies work magic. It will ease the pain and it will give your baby the best feeling of teething.

Remember it is a process and you should let your baby enjoy this process and welcome it with love and care. If you witness any major symptoms, then you must consult with the doctor to get the best help.