Yoga for New Mom – Month 10

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

Before beginning any ab exercise, be sure to ask your physician. Normally it is suggested to wait 4 to 6 weeks after a vaginal birth and 8 weeks after a cesarean birth. This month we suggest you to do the following set of yoga:

Pelvic Rocking

To maintain your abdomen healthy start it slowly and move slowly.


  • Lie on your back and shrink your belly button in toward your spine
  • Exhale and tilt your pelvis up, inhale and tilt your pelvis back.
  • Continue to move your pelvis back and forth for gentle strengthening of the abdomen.
  • Repeat 20 times.

Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose)

When you feel exhausted, your breath becomes more shallow. A restorative pose such as Viparita Karani helps open the chest, encourages you to take deeper breaths, and aids relaxation and rejuvenation.


  • Lay with your right hip against the wall and a pillow under both hips.
  • Slowly swing your legs up onto the wall, bring your arms out to the sides, and breathe deeply.
  • Hold for two minutes.

Check out our suggested article for you for this month: New Mom diet- month 10