Yoga for New Mom – Month 12

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

You are in a position where now your body has totally recovered after you delivered your cutie pie. Now you can do some poses more efficiently and you can start concentrating to get your pre-pregnancy body back. This month we suggest you to do the following asanas:

Tiger Pose


This pose helps you to lose weight, tighten your thigh and abdomen muscle and it rejuvenates your sexual organs. It stimulates the nervous and reproductive system. This is an easy pose but don’t underestimate its effect. It works wonder.


  1. Get on your hands and knees and lift one knee to the chest while you bend your head.
  2. Hold this posture for a few seconds and swing backward your raised knee to stretch your leg and lift your head up.
  3. Use the other leg to repeat.

Pigeon pose

Pigeon pose is the solution for all the moms who try to tone their lower body. This not only tone your thigh and hip, but also helps with the very common urinary infection after delivery.


  1. Kneel and stretch one leg backward and bend the other to rest adjacent to the pelvic bone.
  2. Place your hands on the floor and hold the position for 10 seconds.
  3. Repeat with the other leg.

To get back to your shape don’t forget to read our post on new mom diet for this month here – New mom Diet – month 12