Baby Games – Month 7

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

This month your baby would be quite mobile. She might need not any help to get up and sit on her own.

Now encourage her to sit straight and develop better controls over neck and head.

Play simple games to encourage her exploring new things around.


Game 1: Sit Up Straight

Purpose: To develop strength

Help your baby to go ahead a little by lifting him to a sitting position while you provide support from his back. Show him a colorful book and tell him stories with funny sounds and voice modulations.

This will work as an additional boost in his attempt to sit up and remain in this position for a longer time. This way, his muscles will develop more strength.

Game 2: Floor Explorer

Purpose: To improve neck and head control

Allot a safe and clean space on the floor for your baby’s free movement as he becomes capable to roll up and move, a little on his tummy.

The baby will love to explore the area on his own while you continue to be his active companion and hold out toys for him to reach while talking and using facial expressions.

Soon your baby will start showing rapid improvement in his neck and head control. You will also notice he has a stronger back with more developed shoulder muscles and core.

Game 3: Board Book Fun

Purpose: To develop language skills

Show interactive and colorful books to your baby. She will enjoy it more if the books have foldouts or noises which generate curiosity and fun.

Baby is likely to tend towards turning on the pages on her own during the storytime. You may notice your baby is also interested in tearing the pages and have liking for chewing pages.

Don’t go mad about it as it is normal for babies. But ask her not to so that she understands books are not for tearing or chewing.

Game 4: Name Game

Purpose: To build communication skills

Tell the names of different parts on your face to your baby by pointing your finger to them.

Later touch the baby’s eyes, nose, and ears and tell her the names too.

This will develop her language skills and bonding with you also.