Is banana good in pregnancy?

Last updated On December 8th, 2020

If you wish to have extra energy during pregnancy, then eating a bananas daily is a very good habit. It provides you  additional healthy benefits in this phase. The high fiber content of bananas can help with pregnancy-related constipation, and there is some evidence to suggest that vitamin B-6 can help in relieving nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.

Even in high blood pressure consuming bananas can lower the risk of blood sugar level. Banana has potassium which is low in salt. It has the capacity to reduce the chances of stroke and high blood pressure.

Bananas are a wonderful source of carbohydrates, vitamins C and B, dietary fiber, essential fatty acids, and vital minerals, all of which are essential for healthy baby development.

The following are the tips on why we should eat bananas during pregnancy. They are as follows-

  1. Folic acid –

    banana is rich in folic acid. This plays a vital role in the fetal brain and spinal cord development. This will reduce the risk of premature delivery and congenital disabilities.

  2. Iron-

    during pregnancy anemia is a common prenatal issue. The requirement of blood for fetus development leads to this issue eventually. Bananas are loaded with iron and combat this issue.

  3. Vitamin B6-

    Morning sickness is common symptom in pregnancy. Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 that minimizes the symptoms.

  4. FiberBanana

    promotes the digestive system and helps to eliminate the toxin from the body and help to fight constipation. Having a banana after every meal is very good for a bowel movement.

  5. Vitamin C- bananas

    are rich in anti-oxidant and vitamin C. This will help in combating free radical damage and offer protection to the body.

  6. Sugars-

    Bananas plays a prominent role in providing energy.

A pregnant woman requires 4,700mg of potassium per day to help to maintain the balance of electrolytes and body fluids.

Side effects of consuming bananas during pregnancy

If you are having gestational diabetes, its better to avoid eating bananas. Bananas can increase the sugar level. some people are having an allergy to chitinase, it’s a latex component.

some excellent ways to consume bananas during pregnancy-

Banana smoothie, banana cake, banana muffins etc.