Diet for New Mom – Month 9

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

Before pregnancy, most women are told to ignore many food items. During this time greasy food items, spicy foods are avoided. However, many women crave these foods more.

How much should I eat?

If you are a mother of a 9-month-old baby, then you should well aware of the daily intake of food items. It is vital to know which food items can be included in your daily meal. It should be consumed majorly as a part of your diet plan.

After delivery, the new mum requires 1800-2200 calories each day. You should know your nutrition requirements in that particular month. This way you can stay healthy while taking care of your baby.

Nutritional requirement for mothers for the respective month

Food can be focused on new mum having a 9-month-old baby

You should fill your plate with fresh fruits and vegetables in every meal. Whole grain bread, oatmeal brown rice also very good to manage your cholesterol level.

Protein- foods such as meat, egg, seafood, soy products, and beans are rich in proteins. These foods will help to regain your energy.

Calcium- as a new mum you need 1,000milligrams of calories each day. Take low-fat dairy products daily.

Iron- will help to make new blood cells in the body. Red meat and poultry are rich in iron. For lactating women, 9 mg iron is needed. If you are vegetarian, eat tofu, banana, and beans.

Food to avoid

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Fish like swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish contain mercury. It is not good for health.

Some tips to be healthy

  • Good nutrition will help to increase your milk supply. Even some foods like salmon, eggs, leafy green vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds will help to lose weight.
  • Eating quality meals can help with new mums in producing breast milk for their babies.

There are some tips new mum should know who has 9-month old baby-

  • Consume several food choices. Do not only focus on one significant type of food. You should opt for a nutrient food item. Try eating vitamins and minerals to enrich foods.
  • Most of the mum is very much concerned about the calories they consume. You should determine the calorie how much you need per day. This depends on how many times you are breastfeeding for your child.
  • Regular exercise is required for the new mum. By adding healthy food items and exercise in your daily routine, you can lose weight around one pound quickly. Lose weight and get back into shape by consuming healthy food daily.

Change in lifestyle

Being a mum of having a 9-month-old baby can be tiring. Hence, there are many things you can boost your energy. Eating superfoods like oatmeal, brown rice, beans, and fish will provide you and your baby optimal health.

Eating yogurt is an excellent way to add some sweet taste to your superfood diet. This will provide calcium and protein to the body.

If as a new mother it’s too early to take part in any exercise or dieting, then always focus to eat healthy food. This will reclaim your body shape.

  • Try to get plenty of sleep. Its more often tough when your baby is fussy, but ensure to get some sleep frequently. This will help to increase your energy.
  • Always go for a healthy eating habit. You should have plain water with lemon instead of coffee. Make omelet or veggie soup for dinner.
  • Include protein foods 2-3 times in your meal. Poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, nuts, and seeds are the best foods you should include in your daily meal.
  • Healthy food will maximize your energy and increase your metabolism.

Naturally, restore your body shape (for new mum)

As a new mum, you should take care of yourself and your baby. Healthy and nutritional food plays an important role in our life. There are many superfoods you should include in your daily meal.

These foods will bring health and happiness. You should include below foods in your daily meal.

  • Leafy Greens – High in Folic Acid, these foods will offer energy to your body. Leafy Greens are excellent sources of calcium, magnesium, and iron. Dress the vegetables in coriander, lime juice, chilly, ginger to add extra taste into it.
  • Berries – Berries are rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. You can make juice from it and consume it frequently. Try this aromatic juice and be an enthusiastic whole day.
  • Oily Fish – Omega 3 is vital for your baby’s neurological development. If you are a breast-feeding mum, then you can consume it weekly. Avoid some fishes like tilefish, shellfish, and swordfish.
  • Try of salmon, herring, sardines or mackerel every week.
  • Yogurt – Rich in calcium and it will help you for digestion. The bacteria present in yogurt restore the balance in your intestine and bowel. Make a strawberry smoothie with yogurt to add taste to your meal.
  • Eggs – This is the best superfood. Preparing something with eggs is very easy and it has nutritional value as well. It has vitamin D and folic acid. Scrambled eggs with chives and salmon toast will be a great Sunday brunch.

The best reason you should take all these foods is that they take no time to prepare and you can have more time with you to relax and Bon appetite!

Weekly diet chart for new mum having a 9-month-old kid-


Day Breakfast Lunch  Dinner
MON Hot milk with 1tsp Shatavari powder khichdi + roti+ dal roti+ dal+ paneer curry
TUES ½ cup oatmeal & 3 boiled eggs salad+ brown rice+ mixed dal Broccoli+green beans+ roti+dal
WED Fresh fruit+ green tea Lemon & pepper fish with rice Mixed khichdi
THRUS Banana+ green tea + salad Dal+roti+ grilled chicken Mixed paulao+ soup+roti
FRI Apple walnut salad+ fresh juice(any) Steamed vegetables+ rice + dal Mix vegetable curry + rice
SAT Boiled vegetables+ glass of milk Beetroot + vegetable + roti Roti/rice with mixed vegetable curry
SUN Spinach salad with fresh juice Mutton curry with rice/roti Steamed chicken or vegetable with brown rice+ chicken soup