Fertility diet – Week 7

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020

Are you planning to get pregnant? Then, you are at the right place to gain the best knowledge about the diet plan. You should know about some foods that help to increase fertility. Changing your diet plan you can improve the ovulatory functions.

Fruits and green vegetables help to improve fertility

Load your plate with fresh fruits that will not only fulfill your appetite but also improve the fertility level. Watermelon and asparagus are ultimate to add on your breakfast plate. These foods will give you a rich supply of glutathione which contains essential elements such as estrogen metabolism.

Boost your fertility level with some tips

Avocados, olive oil, nuts are the ultimate foods that can minimize inflammation in the body. This can promote regular ovulation cycle and improve general fertility.
Consume plant-based foods that will be more beneficial and can be avoided for the IVF treatment. IVF treatment is more nowadays because of a poor diet plan. This way fertility level can increase.

Say NO to all trans- fats and consume unsaturated fats

Trans-fats are- French fries, snacks, snacks baked foods. Try to avoid such kinds of foods this may decrease fertility level. Those foods increase insulin levels in the body. Due to this metabolic disturbances occur and it affects the ovulation.

Eat carbs –avoid highly processed carbs

Cookies, white bread, white rice, cakes turn into blood sugar. Fruits vegetables, beans, whole grains are foods that affect the blood sugar level. They come under the good carb category.
Barley is a superfood for fertility improvement. This includes vitamin E, vitamin B, and fiber.
Grains such as amaranth, quinoa, and millet are known to maintain proper blood sugar.

Protein for a healthy pregnancy

Chicken, turkey is a good source of iron, zinc and it helps to make a healthy pregnancy.
Cole water fish like sardine, tuna, and salmon are an excellent source of omega 3 and fatty acid with DHA. This will be helpful to improve the baby’s nervous system and can combat premature delivery.
Avoid fish like mackerel, shark, tilefish, and swordfish.
The egg is a good source of protein for fertility improvement.

Plant protein is a good source for fertility improvement

Beans, tofu, nuts, seeds are good sources of plant-based protein that helps to improve fertility level. This reduces the calorie level of the body and lowers the risk of ovulatory disorder.

Dairy products- milk to consume- yogurt to avoid

Dairy products with less fat should cut down from daily intake. Avoid consuming more of it. This may higher the risk of ovulatory disorder. Full fat diary-like milk can be consumed and tea is a good source for fertility development.
It is always advisable to consume homemade or Greek yogurt. It is because of the probiotic microbes conduct a vital role in the development of your future kid.

Sugar intake should be less- be with fewer sweetener stuff

Candies, lassi, fruit juice, energy drinks, sodas artificial sweetener products are increasing infertility levels. If you have sweet tooth it is recommended taking maple syrup, honey, and other less sweetened syrup.

Select whole food diet- avoid processed foods

Whole grain and fresh vegetables are included in this diet plan. Grains are recommended for fertility improvement. Avoid consuming fattier meat.

Consume tea; coffee and alcohol in moderation- say NO to sugar drinks

Coffee contains caffeine and it should be avoided. It can cause an effect on ovulation. Herbal tea or tea can be consumed for healthy fertility.

Do not eat processed soy

Energy bars and a large amount of soy are harmful for fertility improvement. This can disturb your hormonal balance.
By gaining some knowledge about fertility improvement one can get pregnant and improve fertility misbalance.

Is the fertility diet plan essential?

Yes, a fertility diet is vital to having a healthy pregnancy. This can help to conceive naturally. Vitamins and minerals are the key supplements that can give good result to your body system. Your reproductive system will also work properly.
While trying to get pregnant its important to maintain a healthy BMI. This will help to give you the right support. Underweight can affect the BMI and it may cause irregular periods.
The major food to the fetus comes from the mother’s blood. It is better to have a healthy diet to become healthy. So that it will give a good impact on the baby’s health and growth.

Create a fertility diet plan with healthy food


DAY Breakfast Lunch Snacks Dinner
Monday Berry smoothie+ almond brown rice+ dal+ boiled egg Oatmeal soaked with yogurt brown rice+ salad+ mixed vegetable+


Tuesday Herbal tea+ Brown bread Brown bread+ omelet + salad Whole grain oatmeal+ chopped walnut fish curry+ broccoli+ green salad+ roti
Wednesday Millet porridge with milk/ mango, blueberries Pineapple ginger smoothie +rice + roasted chicken veg burger+ sweet potato Brown rice+ sautéed spinach +roti
Thursday Bread toast+ tea + fruit Green salad +egg+ banana smoothie Whole wheat pita bread + milk 1 dal made roti + low-fat yogurt
Friday A bowl of moong masoor dal + tea roti + fruit smoothie + boiled corn vegetable salad 1 glass of carrot juice Red bean kidney salad + rice + dal + green veggies curry
Saturday Black chickpeas kabab + tea leafy veggie curry + roti+ milk 2 guava Oatmeal + egg + soup
Sunday tea + red bean kidney salad whole wheat tortilla + dal + roti Fruit smoothie Ham & cheese sandwich + salad + milk


By following the above food chart with a diet plan one can improve fertility. This diet plan will nourish the fetus and the pregnancy will be successful.

Eat refined whole grains and green leafy vegetables that will boost your health and will give better results in improving fertility. The weekly diet chart will support fertility and by eliminating certain foods, fertility can improve.

The nutrients variants in the food are very useful for this. This way you can choose to change the diet plan and with a specific food, you can boost fertility growth.