Fertility Yoga on Week 7

Last updated On August 18th, 2020

This week, we focus on the yoga asanas that build strength to your pelvis and improve your lung function.

These are gentle exercises and can be learned in a few minutes.  we recommend you to practice these below poses for 5 minutes each in this week.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

This is also called as Anulom Vilom or alternate nostril breathing. On a normal day, we all breath predominantly through one of the nostrils. After some time, it changes automatically to the other nostril.  You can observe this by placing your palm around 6 inches below your nose in the direction of the airflow.

This yogic exercise brings a balance to this flow of air by making the shift in normal breathing.  This has a tremendous effect on purifying lungs and many practitioners have observed relaxation from negative emotions, stress, and depression.

How to do it:

  1. Sit comfortably with your spine straight
  2. Place your right thumb on your right nostril and ring finger on your left nostril. Keep your index finger pointing the center of your eyebrows.
  3. Block your right nostril, by gently pressing your thumb and inhale through your left nostril.  Now block your left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through your right nostril.
  4. Inhale through your right nostril and block with the thumb finger. Now open the left nostril by removing your ring finger and exhale.
  5. Repeat the above steps 3 &  4  for 10 breaths and take 3 normal breaths.
  6. Repeat the same process for 5 minutes.

Upavishtha Konasana

Upavishta Konasana is a stretching yoga pose that boosts fertility. It strengthens the abdominal area, stretches the thighs, strengthens the spine and has a calming effect on the mind and body.

How to do it:

  1. Sit comfortably with your legs wide apart at a 90-degree angle
  2. Inhale and slowly bend forward as much as you can
  3. Hold the pose for about a minute
  4. Exhale and come up
  5. Repeat the same process for five times

As with any yoga practice, do not stretch when you feel discomfort. Making the pose complete is not the objective of yoga. Our focus should be only to make gentle movements in the body to stimulate the various parts of the muscles.

Contact our partners if you need assistance to do the poses. They are experts and will provide the necessary guidance to you in achieving good results.

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