Yoga for New Mom – Month 5

Last updated On August 2nd, 2020
Postpartum yoga

Pelvic Rocking

This position helps in the release of flatulence.


Pregnancy puts pressure on the abdomen resulting in weakened muscles. Pelvic rocking strengthens the abdominal muscles.

How to Perform:

Lie down on your back with your knees folded and your hands on the sides. Exhale and move your navel upwards and inwards. Inhale and move your navel downwards, pause for three seconds and repeat. Do twenty repetitions per session.

Tiger Pose


This works on all the major muscles of the body.


It helps to relieve back pain and rejuvenates the reproductive organs.

How to Perform:

Get into position with both knees and palms resting on the mat. The knees should be in line with the thighs, and palms in line with the shoulders. Now, lift your right knee and stretch out your right leg, bringing it in line with your hips and parallel to the floor. Raise your right leg, bend your knee, and bring the heels of your feet towards your buttocks. At the same time, raise your shoulder and tilt your head backward. Inhale during this movement and hold for four seconds; then, exhale and move your knees towards your chest and lower your shoulders. Move the head towards the chest trying to touch your head to your knee and hold for four seconds. Pause for four seconds and repeat with the left leg. Perform this movement for five repetitions.