Pregnancy Progress Week 12

This is the final week of your trimester and you have surely gone through a rough patch in the past two months with morning sickness and constant queasiness. However, you can surely look forward to better times ahead, especially with your eating habits and normal routine. What’s happening inside your body? Your uterus has been… Continue reading Pregnancy Progress Week 12

Pregnancy Progress Week 11

Come this week and you may be surprised to know that your appetite is coming back to normal. In fact, this actually means that your HCG levels are stabilizing and thus the queasiness is finally starting to bid adieus to you. What’s happening inside your body? Though the HCG hormones may have started stabilizing in… Continue reading Pregnancy Progress Week 11

Pregnancy Progress Week 10

You are into the tenth month of the pregnancy and the morning sickness seems to have become a constant in your life. Well, don’t worry! Your pregnancy hormones will soon start stabilizing and the queasiness will start disappearing. What’s happening inside your body? With the pregnancy hormones taking control of your body, the muscles that… Continue reading Pregnancy Progress Week 10

Pregnancy Progress Week 9

The 9th week is said to be the toughest week for pregnant women, especially those experiencing nausea and morning sickness. The queasiness tends to increase manifolds and may leave you extremely tired and upset. But, don’t you worry. Once you brave this week, you will find that your nausea starts subsiding. What’s happening inside your… Continue reading Pregnancy Progress Week 9

Pregnancy Progress Week 8

It has been some time since you found out that you are pregnant and the feeling has finally started sinking in. You might be overwhelmed by the number of advices that you get from all and sundry. Sometimes you may even be bombarded with unwanted superstitions. The best thing to do in such scenarios is… Continue reading Pregnancy Progress Week 8

Pregnancy Progress Week 7

You are now in the 7th week of your pregnancy and might be quite excited about becoming a mom, in spite of all the morning sickness and enhanced smell sensitivity. Well, remember that these symptoms are short-lived and tend to disappear after the first trimester that is after 12 weeks. So, just hang in there… Continue reading Pregnancy Progress Week 7

Pregnancy Progress Week 6

There is no doubt that in spite of your happiness about the soon to join member in the family, you are really going through a harrowing time. Coping with morning sickness, lethargy, and nausea might be a bit too much for you. However, here is some good news. If you are eating right and taking… Continue reading Pregnancy Progress Week 6

Pregnancy Progress Week 5

By now you may have missed your period and would be eager to get the good news confirmed. Well, you would be happy to know that by this week, the HCG hormones in your body would have shot up and would now be ready enough to display two lines of the pregnancy test kit. Confirming… Continue reading Pregnancy Progress Week 5

Pregnancy Progress Week 4

If you and your partner can’t wait to start a family and have been trying to conceive, by this week you might be anxious to know what might be going on. However, it is still too early for you to find out. What’s happening inside your body? During this week your body is transforming vigorously… Continue reading Pregnancy Progress Week 4

Pregnancy Progress Week 3

If you and your partner have been trying to have a baby and start a family, you surely will be extra careful and would be trying to get everything right. Well, you definitely need a positive mindset for things to work in your favor. What’s happening inside your body? If the egg meets the sperm… Continue reading Pregnancy Progress Week 3